Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
Do you have a hard time coming up with good questions to ask your girlfriend ? Many women are nervous about asking them, and it's easy to understand why. While a woman may not want to make the commitment necessary to get her boyfriend, she may need to feel appreciated in order to commit to you. Here are some great questions to ask your girl: How much do you like her? What are your goals? How much do you love her right now? What would she like from you? How much do you love her? There are many topics that can be touched upon with good questions. For example, you can ask your girlfriend about her favorite sports team. A fun way to start a conversation is to talk about a past date or a trip you both took together. It will give her a chance to remember a memorable event and bring up a pleasant memory from her past. You can also try asking about her childhood. This way, you can steer the conversation to other topics. While asking about your girlfriend's interests, you need to be s...