The 5 Main Benefits of Hiking


The benefits of hiking have always been deep for me, and believe they can be for you as well. Now, over a decade later, the benefits of hiking haven't changed one bit. For some reason though, the benefits of hiking haven't changed at all in the last ten years. If anything, I'm just as passionate about hiking as I was when I first took up hiking ten years ago.

As a former couch potato with low energy levels, the benefits of hiking were extremely obvious to me. Not only were there plenty of great outdoor activities out there that required a lot of physical fitness, but hiking was by far one of the hardest. I could go for days on end without breaking a sweat and still be extremely tired the following morning. In addition to being a great way to stay active, hiking also improves your endurance in a number of ways. Here are a few:

Hiking improves your cardiovascular conditioning. In addition to improving your cardio, hiking increases your threshold for exertion, which increases your aerobic conditioning even further. You'll find that you burn more calories and are able to exercise for longer periods because you have the added incentive of being in beautiful natural scenery. If you're anything like me, spending time on a hiking trail can feel very invigorating! And while it improves your aerobic conditioning, it also improves your cardiovascular strength, making for a stronger body core.

Even if you're not a runner or hiker, hiking is a great workout. If you know what I'm talking about, it's because hiking requires you to use your glutes and hamstrings more than any other type of exercise. The muscles used during hikes are actually similar to those used during weight training. This means that you get a great workout with little strain on your joints.

The act of walking or running also releases plenty of "free" radicals that help fight off cancer-causing free radicals in your system. Because hiking may release up to 90% of these free radicals, it is very important to make sure you are eating a healthy diet that gets rid of excess amounts of oxidized LDL cholesterol. This is why people who are trying to lose weight often incorporate hiking into their exercise routines. Also, note that hiking may lower the levels of "bad" cholesterol in your system which can play a role in heart disease and coronary artery disease.

Another one of the great benefits of hiking is that it works as a great way to burn calories per hour. Studies have shown that walking for at least thirty minutes a day is one of the most effective ways to burn calories throughout the day and as a result is very popular among working professionals. In fact, studies have shown that employees who take short breaks from their normal work schedules are more likely to be more physically active during their lunch break when compared to those who work full eight hour shifts. So not only does hiking provide a great cardiovascular workout, but you are also improving your work productivity by being more physically active throughout the day.

The final two benefits of hiking that we will discuss here are social benefits and improving mental health. As we mentioned above, hiking is a great way to meet new people and enjoy the great outdoors. Many people find that hiking is a great way to increase their social interaction and to improve their general mental health. As we all know, social interaction is one of the main factors in maintaining good physical fitness. Therefore, taking a hike up to a nearby lake or forest area could provide you with an opportunity to meet and greet some new friends.

Also, when you are walking on uneven terrain, you do not have to work against your body weight. Hiking allows you to increase your metabolism and this helps you burn more calories throughout the day. This is why many people consider walking as a superior workout option over using machines for gym workouts. Hiking up hill, uphill, and even in to mud holes can make a huge difference in your overall health and fitness. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that hiking should be added to your regular workout routine.


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